No Excuses
Instead of saying “I don’t have time for exercise” try saying “my health is not a priority,” and see how that feels…
…Instead of saying “I don't have time for healthier nutrition” try saying “I'm okay with getting sick and living a shorter life”, and see how you feel about it.
The truth is, we say things like “I don't have time”, “I don't feel ready yet” or “I'll do tomorrow” to make ourselves feel better.
Those excuses are tools for making that pain and discomfort go away.
But no matter how good your reasons are, they're still excuses…
And excuses don't make you leaner…. excuses won't make you stronger…
Excuses won't build a business for you… and excuses won't help you get into great relationships…
Only taking action can do those things.
And you can either choose to lie to yourself that you don't have the time or you can choose to make the time.
The ball is in your court.